With today advance usage of smartphone and easy access to internet, social media is almost an essential tasks to many of us. Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Wechat, TikTok, You tube are common household name. And with this resources at our fingertips, we begin to live a life that is dependent on our phones. The fear of missing out what are happening around us arfe very real. We want to stay up to date with the latest trends and technologies. You see your friends getting promotion, travelling, celebrating another achievement, expanding their business and you start to wonder where have you gone wrong. Then, you scroll through an endless stream of pictures, ,videos, and memes, liking, commenting, until you feel uneasy and thought, "Am I living the best life I can give?"
But there is a more serious of FOMO. It's FOMOMO - Fear Of the Mystery Of Missing Out. This occur when you do not have your phone, or connection to the internet. When your phone is broken, out of battery or have it taken from you. You wonder what are you missing. It is not that you are adraid of missing out, or what you see on the social media, but it's what you don't see that's causing you real angst. The anxiety deepens.
So in the attempt to counter FOMO. a new trend call JOMO- Joy Of Missing Out emerged. It advocates that we look for pleasure gained from enjoying one's current activities without worrying about the other people. This sound very nice and just how many people can do that? I believe the real problem is that it is all about self. It is self centred. When all we think about is ourselves, we start comparing ourselves. Either way, FOMO, FOMOMO and JOMO will be the problem. Being focus on oneself usurps the Blibical commands to love and care for our neighbours (John 13:34-35) and to bear others burdens (Gal 6:2). Being self centre is directly opposed to the clear command, "No one should seek their own good, but the good of others." (1 Corinthians 10:24). Jesus set the best example for us to follow. All that he did was never for himself. When we indulge in ourselves, we will miss the point - to always honor others and God,
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